Picking Up Your Own Items

Reminder: All Merchandise Is Sold As-Is, Where-Is… And All Sales Are Final…

We are in the selling business, not the packing, or shipping and handling business. We do not source, or hire, or charge for, or pay for shipping or delivery, The Buyer pays any cost related to pick up or shipping.

To avoid confusion and authentication delays, we recommend advance notification from you the winning bidder, and we recommend bringing a copy of your invoice and/or payment receipt with you.

Everyone is busy and delays can be frustrating and cost time and money. We recommend you call ahead so that we can make every effort to have your item(s) waiting by the front door when you get here. We can’t have staff on site just waiting for buyers and shippers to stop by and pick up items so we have limited guaranteed pick up hours where we will have staff present. We will work with you wherever possible to set appointments outside normal pick up times, but availability to meet your schedule is not guaranteed. More notice means more flexibility on availability, Less notice leams less flexibility on availability…

Standard hours for pick-up is M-F 1pm-4pm or by appointment according to availability. And, unless otherwise noted during the auction, items can be picked from 10am-Noon the day following the auction. Items not picked up within ten calendar days may be subject to Storage and/or Handling fees of up to $10 per item, per day.

Recommended Shippers

Email: mailto:delivery@whiterabbitcouriers.com

Phone: 954.540.2976

White Glove Delivery Service. This is one of our most highly recommended delivery services… Not the least expensive option, but not abusively high either. They will tell you that you get what you pay for.

Website link: https://countrypostman.com

Email: shipping@countrypostman.com

Phone: 845.677.1076

Phone: 845.677.1076

Full Service Packing and Shipping, They can handle everything... Small to Large Items, Local/Regional/National/International, Using major carriers USPS/UPS/FED-EX/ETC, This is one of our two most Highly Recommended shipper locally…

Formerly Known As The Country Postman, the UPS Store Salt Point Is The Most Efficient Service We've Seen Customers Use. They Are Very Organized, Reliable, And Careful With The Items. They Get The Most Favorable Reviews For Pack & Ship From Our Buyers.

Website link: https://skyrocketservices.com/

Email: Click To Request A Quote

Phone: 347.997.0986

Furnishings To Large Items – Based In NYC – We have not heard any bad feedback about this company, and have heard lots of "happy customer" reports.

Specializing in NYC and Throughout NY State, Also Does Weekly Runs to Chicago/Boston/DC. Their website says Northeast to Midwest to Florida. Furniture delivery mostly between New York, Chicago, Boston and D.C. Shipping to NY, IL, MI, IN, OH, PA, CT, MA, RI, MD, DC metro, DE and FL.

Website link: https://www.uship.com/

This is kind of like getting a ride-sharing Uber for your items... You post a listing and delivery services quote on your listing.

You interview/negotiate with the service and then pay USHIP, and USHIP pays the Shipper. So there is some protection built in.

Still there are good operators, and low-rent operators, so you want to make sure you interview the service and consider their service history and reviews by other customers.

Website link: http://daksglobal.com/

Email: info@daksglobal.com

Phone: 484.879.6678

Small To Large Items – Based In Phily – Handles Shipping To Anywhere. One Of The More Popular "Long-Haul" Companies For Delivering Bigger Items

Website link: https://plycongroup.com/

Email: customerservice@plyconvanlines.com

Phone: 631.269.7000

Small To Large Items – NY Operations are base in Long Island NY – Handles Shipping To Anywhere. One Of The More Popular "Long-Haul" Companies For Delivering Bigger Items

Website link: https://nextdoor.com/pages/transformation-landscaping-llc-hudson-ny/

Email: tfmlsllc@gmail.com

Phone: 518.821.8502

Small To Large Items – Based Locally – Dustin Hawver And His Band Of Merry Muscled Men Are Actually A Landscaping Service By Day... But The Secret Is Out That They Can (And Have) Handled Just About Anything.

They Specialize In Deliveries of Larger Furniture In THe Hudson Valley... (Pretty Much Within An Hour's Drive.)

But In A Pinch, When No-On Else Can Get It Done, Dustin Is A Good Choice To Be Open To Talking About Making Short Notice Deliveries, or Maybe A Longer Haul, Etc...

Phone: 860.671.8903

Small To Large Items – They Promote Nationwide Pick Up & Worldwide Shipping. Text Pic & Zip Codes To 860.671.8903 For Instant Quote.

Website link: https://www.facebook.com/SnJTransport/

Email: jil578@msn.com

Phone: 315.576.0684 (or 0685)

Small To Large Items – They are based in Rochester, NY and typically do East Coast Runs Anywhere From Maine To Florida & Also Regularly Make Runs To Texas

Phone: 404.524.9122

Small To Large Items – They are based in Atlanta and typically do East Coast Runs Anywhere From Maine To Florida But They Will Go Anywhere, Especially If They Are Going That Way Already.

Phone: 914.466.5940

Enclosed Van. Mostly NYC Runs & Local Hudson Valley Runs For Small To Medium Items And Some Large Items. Also Regular Runs To Erie, PA, So Cleveland, Buffalo, Pittsburgh Etc...

Enough Cargo Space To Accept Pallets From A Forklift, Small Enough To Be Great For Tranporting Odd Shaped / Items Safely. Also Can Tow Up To 10,000 Pounds On Your Trailer Or Their Own.

Moonlighter, So Expect Mostly Evening Or Weekends For Deliveries, But Discreet, Experienced, Responsible, & Reliable.

Text Pic Of Items And Addresses For Pick Up / Drop Off to 914.466.5940.

Website link: https://theupsstore.com/4282

Email: mailto:store4282@theupsstore.com

Phone: 845.454.3505

Full Service Packing and Shipping, They can handle everything... Small to Medium Items.

POUGHKEEPSIE LOCATION HAS GOOD REPORTS... BUT... We have had many complaints about poor communication, lost items, excessive pick up fees, and very slow service FROM SOME OF THE OTHER UPS STORE LOCATIONS. This one has the most good reports from of the UPS Stores in our area. So If you want to use A UPS Store, you'll likely be best off with this one.

Phone: 917.699.0172

Email: mailto:samfarrouq@yahoo.com

Based in Richmond Hill, NY (Queens) Does Long & Long Distance Delivery. Regular Runs Along The East Coast from Florida To Maine, And Also To Chicago. Both Expedited Direct Service, And Batch Run Service Is Available

Blanket Wrap Service, White Glove Service, Lift Gate Service.

Email: mailto:info@gnledelivery.com

Phone: 215.692.3978

Phone: 908.256.3947

Based in Stockton NJ - Does Regular Runs to Texas - Georgia & Chicago

Website link: https://theupsstore.com/4282

Email: mailto:store4861@theupsstore.com

Phone: 845.876.3357

Full Service Packing and Shipping, They can handle everything... Small to Medium Items.

This Location changed ownership in 2022 and has good reports so far. BUT... We have had many complaints about poor communication, lost items, excessive pick up fees, and very slow service FROM SOME OF THE OTHER UPS STORE LOCATIONS. If you want to use A UPS Store, you'll likely be better off with this one than any of the others except Poughkeepsie.

Website link: https://westpointmovers.com/

Email: contact@westpointmovers.com

Phone: 845.321.2253

Full Service Packing and Shipping, They can handle everything... Small to Medium Items.

They specialize in higher end furniture and pianos. Located in New York's Hudson Valley, with home base in Highland Falls, and a warehouse in Lagrangeville. Specialize in moving things in and out of NYC and the boroughs, but they will go anywhere in contiguous U.S. We have seen very nice meticulous packing.